A.M. Links: Trump Refuses to Rule Out 3rd Party Run, Bernie Leads Hillary in New Hampshire, CBO Says Obamacare Will Reduce Workforce by 2 Million Jobs
Credit: Todd Kranin Donald Trump is refusing to rule out a third-party presidential run.
- According to a new poll, Bernie Sanders is now beating Hillary Clinton by 10 points in New Hampshire.
- A new report from the Congressional Budget Office estimates that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will cause the workforce to shrink by approximately 2 million jobs over the next decade.
- Police in Geneva are "actively searching" for suspects linked to last month's terrorist attacks in Paris.
- "San Bernardino killers Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik began scheming to carry out a terrorist attack long before they were engaged or he moved her to the United States on a fiancee visa in July 2014, a widening and increasingly complex FBI investigation has found."
- A new paper in the medical journal Lancet says that happiness may not actually lead to longer life. "Happiness and related measures of well-being do not appear to have any direct effect on mortality," the paper states.
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