Latest on San Bernardino Attack, No Charges in Chicago Police Shooting, Cruz Leading Trump in Iowa: P.M. Links
A friend one of the San Bernardino shooters who provided them the two semiautomatic guns used in the attacks has checked himself into a mental hospital. He may not have been aware of the couple's plot.
- A man who stabbed three at a subway station in London Sunday had ISIS propaganda and information about the San Bernardino attacks on his phone, officials say.
- Prosecutors in Chicago will not file charges against a police officer in the shooting death of Ronald Johnson III in 2014. This shooting took place the week before another officer (who has been charged with murder) shot and killed Laquan McDonald.
- Today is the 74th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. A small group of men who survived the attacks gathered at the site to remember.
- A new poll has Sen. Ted Cruz overtaking Donald Trump among Iowa Republicans.
- Venezuelan's opposition leaders, celebrating their victory in electing a legislative majority, promise to free jailed critics of the socialist government.
- Catholic schools are resisting some components of Common Core in order to keep room for spiritual teaching.
- Despite suing the federal government over the lack of due process implemented for the no-fly list, the American Civil Liberties Union believes that, if reformed, the list could be used to restrict gun purchases.
New at
- A State's Rights Approach to Immigration Reform
Allowing states to issue their own guest worker visas will enhance national security and economy.
By Shikha Dalmia - Clinton Wants to Tax U.S. Companies for Trying to Pay Less Taxes
Both major parties are dead wrong when it comes to the free movement of people and capital across borders.
By Ira Stoll
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