Reason Weekly Contest: Misbehaving Superheroes
Last week's winners revealed.
Welcome back to the Reason Weekly Contest! This week's question is:
A Times Square miscreant who first slugged a cop while dressed as Spider-Man has been arrested again, this time for cursing out a cop while dressed as the Incredible Hulk. Come up with a cheesy headline about the next Superhero acting badly in Times Square.
How to enter: Submissions should be e-mailed to Please include your name, city, and state. This week, kindly type "SUEPRHERO" in the subject line. Entries are due by 11 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday, Dec. 7. Winners will appear Dec. 11, right here at
In the case of identical or similar entries, the first one received gets credit. First prize is a one-year digital subscription to Reason magazine, plus bragging rights. While we appreciate kibbitzing in the comments below, you must email your answer to enter the contest. Feel free to enter more than once, and good luck!
And now for the results of last week's contest: The educational video game industry is expected to reach more than $2 billion soon, so we asked you to come up with the name of an insanely boring educational video game that is trying to be "fun."
World of Common CoreCraft -- Jeff Shapiro, Schenectady, NY
Grand Theft Auto Spell Checker -- Blair Lovern, Plano, TX
Need for Deed: Notary Public Exam -- Colin Blake, Boston, MA
Algebra Algebra Revolution -- Franklin Einspruch, Boston, MA
Library Craft: Tome Reader—The Revenge of Dewey Decimal -- Everett Babiuk
The Xtreme Adventures of Henry History -- Daniel Storey, Fort Wayne, IN
Danger Zone II: Workplace Regulatory Compliance -- David Magnus, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Cheese Aging Simulator 2016 -- Susan Montgomery, Phildelphia, PA
Roller Coaster Cashier -- Robert Goodman, Bronx, NY
Safe Space Invaders
Where In the Corporate Organizational Structure is Carmen Sandiego?
Grand Theft Prevention V -- Tracy Davis, Lawrence, KS
Healthcare Maze Runner -- voxpo
Ron Bailey's Civilization IV: Global Warming Tracker! (with spreadsheet interface and graphing package) -- Bobarian, Vine Grove, KY
Grand Theft Addition
Grievance Quest