A.M. Links: San Bernardino Shooters Identified, British Bombers Hit ISIS, Police on Trial in Baltimore for Death of Freddie Gray
Courtesy of KTLA The San Bernardino shooters have been identified by authorities as Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and his wife Tashfeen Malik, 27. The couple were killed in a shootout with police.
- The motives behind the San Bernardino shootings, which killed at least 14 and injured at least 17 at an office holiday party, remain unknown at this time.
- British bombers have made their first airstrikes against ISIS in Syria.
- The trial of Baltimore police officer William Porter for the death of Freddie Gray enters its second day today.
- "Harvard College plans to change the title of its heads of residential housing from 'house master,' the traditional term, to a new term that will better reflect 'the 21st-century needs of residential student life,' according to a letter to students from the college dean, Rakesh Khurana."
- Donald Trump is refusing to release his medical records.
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