France Launches Airstrikes Against ISIS, Dems Hold Saturday Night Debate, New Images of Pluto: A.M. Links
NASA France launched airstrikes against ISIS positions in Syria after the radical Islamist group said it was behind the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday. All but one of the identified Paris terror suspects are believed to be citizens of Europe. A spontaneous rally this weekend at the Republique Plaza, which included the banner "Can't Scare Us," dispersed after someone set off firecrackers, prompting a police response. At the G-20 summit, President Obama met with Vladimir Putin and urged Russia to join the fight against ISIS. Meanwhile, the governor of Alabama promised to ban any Syrian refugees from entering the state.
- Six semi-automatic rifles and 10 pistols were stolen from an Army Reserve armory in Massachusetts, according to the FBI.
- Democrats held the second of six presidential debates Saturday in Iowa.
- The security minister of Somalia says government forces thwarted a series of terrorist attacks the radical Islamist group Al-Shabaab planned to launch in Mogadishu.
- United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon may be visiting North Korea this week, according to a report in the South Korean press that the UN would neither confirm nor deny.
- Organizers of a 10k half-marathon in Bangkok accidentally added an extra seven kilometers.
- NASA has released new images of Pluto taken by New Horizons.
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