Adidas Pays Schools to Switch Mascots, Prepares for End Times, Non-Religious Kids Are More Generous: A.M. Links
(Fibonacci Blue/Flickr)
U.S. unemployment fell to 5 percent in October (a seven-year low), according to the latest jobs report.Fibonacci Blue/Flickr - Adidas will pay schools to ditch their Native American mascots.
- Due to low poll numbers, Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee will be relegated to the undercard debate during the next round of GOP presidential spectacle, while Lindsey Graham and George Pataki will be excluded altogether.
- A new play mocking Donald Trump is big in Mexico.
- "If I were going to run against (Bill Clinton), would I win? Yeah," Hillary Clinton told Jimmy Kimmel Thursday night.
- is hoarding food and gold.
- Hot take: feminism needs more people who are wrong.
- A new study says kids from non-religious households are better at sharing.
- Are baby boomers the worst? Discuss.
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