A.M. Links: Bernie vs. Hillary, Bush Sr. Disses Cheney in New Biography, Denver Police Union Fights Body Camera Policy
In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Bernie Sanders attacked Hillary Clinton for her many flip flops on policy issues. Consistency "does speak to the character of a person," Sanders said.
- A forthcoming biography of George H.W. Bush contains numerous harsh comments about the famous team of advisers surrounding his son George W. Bush. Donald Rumsfeld, George H.W. Bush said, was "an arrogant fellow," while Dick Cheney was an "iron-ass" who tried to create "his own empire" in the White House.
- Officials in Russia and Egypt are dismissing as mere "speculation" the idea that an ISIS bomb brought down a Russian airliner over Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. British Prime Minister David Cameron, however, insists that a bomb "more likely than not" was the cause of the crash.
- The Denver police union has filed a lawsuit challenging the department's new policy requiring cops to wear body cameras.
- "US lawmakers and federal watchdogs on Tuesday derided the Transportation Security Administration's ability, or lack thereof, to adequately detect weapons and other contraband during the passenger screening process at the nation's airports."
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