Obama Orders Wait on Criminal Background Checks for Employees, EPA Eyes More Diesel Inspection Fraud, Larry Lessig—OMG! NEW STAR TREK SERIES!: P.M. Links
(Star Trek: Deep Space 9)
"Star Trek: Deep Space 9" President Barack Obama is ordering federal agencies to wait until further in the hiring process to make potential federal employees reveal any criminal background to give those who have records a potentially better chance of getting hired.
- You don't have Larry Lessig around to completely ignore anymore. Well, I suppose technically you still do. But you won't be ignoring his run for the Democratic presidential nomination anymore because he has ended it.
- The Environmental Protection Agency claims Volkswagen cheated deisel emissions regulations not just on its cars but with some SUVs as well.
- You don't need to be one of those people who thinks everything is "problematic" to think that dressing up as KKK members for Halloween is perhaps not a good idea. But in addition, Anonymous is unveiling names of people it says are actual members of the KKK.
- Obama has signed the two-year budget and debt deal.
- OMG! THERE'S A NEW STAR TREK SERIES COMING! OMG! OMG! In a sign of what television programming has become, it will be available through CBS' digital subscription streaming service.
- The producer of The Godfather has landed the rights for Atlas Shrugged and is planning a miniseries version of the novel.
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