

"Oh, you played a prostitute in a movie? I played a nurse in a porno. Does that qualify me to talk about working conditions in hospitals?"
—tweet from adult film actress Stoya, responding to a celebrity campaign against decriminalizing prostitution, July 26

"Children only are being put in more danger when marijuana is kept illegal."
—part of pro-legalization text accidentally posted to the DARE website, July 27

"[Banning foreign condoms] will simply make one more disciplined, more strict and discriminating in choosing partners, and maybe will do a favor to our society in respect to solving demographic problems."
—former Russian health chief Gennady Onishchenko, commenting on a proposal from that country's Industry and Trade Ministry to ban all condom imports, The Moscow Times, August 5

"Unborn black lives also matter."
—former Rep. Ron Paul in a column published at his website, August 2