Ryan Elected Speaker, Boehner Sheds Final Tears, McConnell Blocks Ex-Im Bank Efforts: P.M. Links
(Gage Skidmore / photo on flickr)
Credit: Gage Skidmore / photo on flickr Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has been elected speaker of the House. He promised to fix a "broken" system.
- Ryan's election means that John Boehner (R-Ohio) can exit, stage right. He bid the House farewell today.
- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has blocked an attempt by Democrats to get the Export-Import Bank reauthorized via a stand-alone bill.
- A federal court refused to halt the National Security Agency's bulk surveillance program before its transition period to the Freedom Act's new more-restrictive regulations is complete.
- The United States sent out a pack of fighter jets to intercept two Russian aircraft who got within a nautical mile of an aircraft carrier in the Pacific.
- Albuquerque Police Officer Daniel Webster died today after being shot during a traffic stop a week ago.
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