Kim Davis Memes Are Awesome. Kim Davis, Not So Much

Heaving this histrionic Holy Roller into the hoosegow is already making her a martyr to a lost, retrograde cause.


Kim Davis deserves to be ridiculed. Fired, even.

But does she really deserve jail time? It's not like Davis is a member of the Taliban or anything. Heaving this histrionic Holy Roller into the hoosegow has already made her a martyr to a lost, retrograde crusade. The only winners have been opportunist social conservatives, Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz, who were quick to capitalize on her plight.

Fortunately, Davis was released from Kentucky's Carter County Detention Center after just five days. Just in time for Rosh Hashanah!

Now enjoy this video by Paul Detrick from Sept. 9th. It's a minute and a half of smart commentary about all the fuss over a simple woman.