Hillary Clinton

Matt Welch Explains Why Hillary Clinton is a Brazen Liar

The email scandal only gets worse.


As Hillary Clinton takes her campaign to Puerto Rico this weekend, the scandal over her use of personal email continues to progress. 

This week, it was announced that a former State Department employee who worked on Clinton's email server will invoke the Fifth Amendment in response to Congressional inquiries on the Clinton server. (You can read more in-depth coverage here.)

The uproar over her alleged use of personal email to handle classified information leaves the near-anointed Democratic frontrunner scrambling to calm donors and supporters. On Thursday, Edward Snowden appeared on Al-Jazeera and said that Clinton "intentionally endangered U.S. international security by being so careless with her email" and that if any other worker at the State Department had did what she had done "they would very likely face prosecution for it."

As more details are expected to emerge, Reason's Matt Welch asks Hillary's democratic supporters why they would want a brazen liar in the White House? Full clip below: 

In March, Hillary Clinton said, "there is no classified material" on her private email server.

Reuters located 30 Clinton email threads containing classified material on her private email server.

On Monday, 188 new classified emails were discovered from her private email server.

So what's Clinton saying now? "I have said repeatedly that I did not send nor receive classified material."

Question for you Democrats: Do you really want a liar this brazen in the White House?

Written by Matt Welch; shot and edited by Jim Epstein.

 30 seconds.

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