Help Us Say Goodbye to Jon Stewart
New episodes of The Daily Show return on Monday as Jon Stewart counts down his final weeks at the helm of the popular political comedy show. Stewart's 16-year run as host will officially come to an end August 6th and will include a final interview with President Barack Obama that will air on July 21st.
The Daily Show has featured several current and former Reason contributors over the years, including Lenore Skenazy, Andrew Napolitano, David Mark, and Brink Lindsey.
Whether you agreed with him or not, it's impossible to ignore Stewart's impact on cultural and political conversation over the last decade. As Nick Gillespie noted in a February column, Stewart and "The Daily Show played a huge role in cutting down the authority and power of broadcast and cable news in our mediascape."
You can help Reason say farewell to Jon Stewart by letting us know your favorite (or most frustrating) moments from The Daily Show. What did Stewart get right? And where was he way off? Let us know in the comments and we'll feature a few in an upcoming video.
And now, your moment of Zen.