President Calls U.S. 'Less Racially Divided,' Sony Hack May Have Been an Inside Job, Harbaugh Rakes in College Football Big Bucks: P.M. Links


  • San Francisco 49ers

    Racial tensions may be in the news, says President Obama, but the U.S. is "less racially divided" than in the past. That might be even more true if politicians didn't excel at playing groups against each other.

  • The president threatens an active veto pen and a regulatory surge as his contributions to American politics in 2015.
  • In the Obama administration's nanny-ish food policies, the GOP sees a juicy political target.
  • Fatal shootings of police officers rose by 56 percent in 2014 compared to the previous year, claims the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. Well, yes, but 2013 marked the lowest rate of such killings since the 19th century.
  • Cybersecurity experts say insiders, including a fired employee, may have engineered the great Sony hack of 2014.
  • Jim Harbaugh will reportedly make $48 million over six years by moving from the San Francisco 49ers to the University of Michigan. That makes him the highest paid college football coach ever. For the moment.
  • Searchers found bodies and debris from missing AirAsia Flight 8501 in the waters off Indonesia.

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