Election 2014

Scott Walker, Rick Snyder, Rick Scott All Win; Conn., Vt., Mass. Races Still Too Close to Call



As their prospects dimmed on the approach to Election Day, Democrats shifted goal posts. They conceded they wouldn't win the House. They conceded they'd probably lose the Senate. Over the last week they settled on making the election about Scott Walker. If Walker lost, the conventional wisdom went, it didn't matter how well Republicans did elsewhere. Well, Scott Walker won. So did Rick Synder in Michigan and Rick Scott in Florida, two other Republican governors who dabbled in union reforms and were targeted by Democrats in close races.

In the meantime, as of 11:00 p.m. ET, gubernatorial races in solidly Democrat Vermont, Connecticut, and Massachusetts are all too close to call. NPR called the Vermont race for incumbent Democrat Peter Shumlin but no one else has. Connecticut has an incumbent Democrat too, one that isn't so popular despite raising taxes, increasing spending, and demonizing guns.

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