Grover Norquist Says Voting GOP Is the Smart Choice for Libertarians


Gage Skidmore

You only have one vote. How best to use it to advance liberty? A libertarian preparing to vote in a House or Senate race this November that features three candidates, a Republican, a Democrat and a Libertarian must make a decision. Richard Tisei, the gay pro-liberty Republican candidate for the House of Representatives in the 6th congressional district in Massachusetts lost by 3,650 votes in 2012. The libertarian candidate, Dan Fishman, won 16,668 votes. The winner, Democrat John Tierney was a consistent vote for statism for his entire career and the past two years. In 2006, Montana's Republican Senator Conrad Burns lost to his Democrat opponent Tester by 3,562 votes. The Libertarian Candidate Stan Jones captured 10,377 votes. Tester's win meant that Obama had 60 votes in December 2009 and could pass Obamacare. That one vote passed a bill designed to fail into single-payer over time. Did the "too cool for school" libertarians advance liberty when they voted that day? Grover Norquist says that libertarians should vote for the Republican Party's liberty candidates this time.