Secret Service Chief Steps Down, Florida Cops Behave Badly, Pat Roberts Polling Poorly: P.M. Links
(Secret Service)
Secret Service In the wake of the apparent competency gap at the Secret Service, Director Julia Pierson is stepping down.
- Meanwhile, the man charged with jumping the fence in the White House and making it inside before being stopped has pleaded not guilty.
- Florida Cop News, Part One: A Tallahassee officer has been put on leave during an investigation that he Tazed a 62-year-old woman in the back for no apparent reason.
- Florida Cop News, Part Two: The city of Waldo, known for being one of the nation's worst speed traps, has voted to disband its police department. The department was being investigated by the state for many issues, including ticket quotas.
- The latest poll has Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kansas) trailing behind independent candidate Greg Orman, by five points.
- The ceasefire in Urkaine may be unravelling after 11 were killed in shelling that struck a schoolyard and bus stop in Donetsk.
- Some school children came into contact with the man in Texas diagnosed with the Ebola virus, which is still not a reason to panic.
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