Nick Gillespie, Meredith Bragg, and Jim Epstein on Reason TV's Best Health Care Videos


Reason TV's health care coverage has always viewed the Affordable Care Act in its properly Sisyphean context: Obamacare is a government fix for problems created by an earlier government fix for problems created by an earlier government fix. How best to fix the U.S. health care system? Undo all the earlier fixes. So Nick Gillespie, Meredith Bragg, and Jim Epstein highlight Reason TV's best videos on the ugly mess U.S health care was before Obamacare and how Obamacare made something terrible even worse. Medicaid has done a poor job of serving America's poor, so Obamacare expanded the program. State laws allowed large hospitals to block new competitors, so Obamacare made it even harder for new health care facilities to open. Because of a quirk in U.S. tax policy, insurance policies cover even routine medical costs, which leads to general price inflation. And so Obamacare piled on new rules and mandates that cover yet more procedures.