U.S. Captures Alleged Benghazi Ringleader, GM Recalls All the Cars, Lost Ayn Rand Novel to Be Published: P.M. Links
(tingley / photo on flickr)
Credit: tingley / photo on flickr The United States has captured the alleged ringleader of the violent attack that killed four at the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The guy's name is Ahmed Abu Khatallah, and U.S. forces and law enforcement personnel snatched him on Sunday on the outskirts of Benghazi. He is being transported to the United States.
- The militant group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has targeted the Iraqi city of Baguba, which is less than 40 miles north of Baghdad.
- Joe Biden talked with Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff about reports that the United States had spied on her. He says he "reassured" her that the government had made "real changes" to its surveillance rules, which will come as a surprise to anybody who has actually been paying attention, what with it not really being all that true.
- Today is the 20th anniversary of the infamous O.J. Simpson white Bronco chase, when authorities tried to get the former football player to surrender to charges that he murdered his ex-wife and a friend.
- General Motors has recalled millions more cars. Are there any GM cars left out there that haven't been recalled yet? Is it too soon to start recalling the 2015 models?
- A lost Ayn Rand novel, titled Ideal and written in 1934, is going to be published next summer by Penguin Random House.
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