NSA Sort-of-Reform Bill Passes House, VA Horrors Just 'Tip of the Iceberg,' New Coup in Thailand: P.M. Links
Government of Thailand The House of Representatives passed an NSA reform bill. Well…sort-of reform bill. It's a bit wishy-washy.
- Thailand is once again engaged in its national sport: military coups (The U.S. government officially disapproves.). The head uniformed guy is now "prime minister," because generalissimo just sounds so crass.
- Rep. Jeff Miller, who heads the House Veterans Affairs panel, calls the recent revelations about lethal delays at Veterans Administration health care facilities "the tip of the iceberg."
- The Republican National Committee narrowed its list of 2016 convention locations to Dallas, Cleveland, Denver, and Kansas City. We hear Cleveland has a great orchestra.
- The U.N. Security Council imposed sanctions against Boko Haram, the group of Nigerian nasties that has inspired a tidal wave of outrage on Twitter.
- At least 31 people died in explosions in the Chinese city of Urumqi, in growing violence linked to separatists. The city is in largely Muslim Xinjiang province.
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