Winter Olympics Officially Open, Republicans Fight EPA's "Secret Science" Rules, Research Says Voice Votes Are Useless: P.M. Links
world-econ-forum-cc-by-nc-sa Rejoice, comrades! The 2014 Sochi Winter Olymics are officially open, and an attempted airplane hijacking targeting the city has been prevented.
- Republican House lawmakers are pushing legislation that would prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from proposing new regulations based on science that is not transparent or not reproducible.
- Research shows that, except under unrealistic controlled circumstances, voice votes are useless.
- The U.S. Postal Service saw its losses shrink significantly in the last quarter of 2013 to a measly $354 million compared $1 billion during the same span the previous year.
- Montana Lt. Gov. John Walsh (D) will fill the seat of U.S. Sen. Max Baucus (D), who is resigning to become the next ambassador to China.
- Georgia lawmakers introduced a measure that could effectively shutdown rideshares like Uber and Lyft, insulating the taxicab and limousine industries from competition.
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