Temperature Trends

Global Temperature Trend Update - August 2013



Every month University of Alabama in Huntsville climatologists John Christy and Roy Spencer report the latest global temperature trends from satellite data. Below are the newest data updated through August 2013:

Global Temperature Report: August 2013

Global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978: +0.14 C per decade

August temperatures (preliminary)

Global composite temp.: +0.16 C (about 0.29 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for August.

Northern Hemisphere: +0.11 C (about 0.20 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for August.

Southern Hemisphere: +0.21 C (about 0.39 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for August.

Tropics: +0.01 C (about 0.02 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for August.

(All temperature anomalies are based on a 30-year average (1981-2010) for the month reported.)

Global Temperature Trend August 2013
Roy Spencer

Go here to download the monthly global satellite temperature data since 1978.