RNC Tells NBC, CNN to Boot Clinton Films or Else, More Senate NSA Hearings to Come, Even Russians Know Snowden's a Whistleblower: P.M. Links


  • Maybe the RNC would approve if she wore this ugly outfit the whole time.
    Credit: aphrodite-in-nyc / Foter / CC BY

    The Republican National Committee has voted to boot NBC and CNN from the debates unless they cancel planned film projects on likely 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. But what if they're awful and make her look awful?

  • In the wake of the latest news in the National Security Agency surveillance scandal, Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) is calling for another hearing. He's concerned they're still not getting "straight answers." Because they're obviously not.
  • Even Russians realize that Edward Snowden is a whistleblower trying to alert Americans to abuses in federal surveillance.
  • Penn State faculty and staff are rebelling over "wellness" policies that require that they inform the college that they're engaging in certain healthy behaviors – like examining their testicles monthly – or face fines up to $1,200.
  • A Florida deputy was actually punished for doing something bad. In this case, he was demoted and suspended for leaving his loaded gun in a movie theater bathroom.
  • A judge has ruled against a challenge from public unions to Michigan's right-to-work law. It means employees of the state of Michigan can drop out of their unions and not have to pay dues following the next round of contract negotiations.

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