30 years ago in reason
"Rather than blame advertisers for the allegedly shoddy tastes of the masses, self-appointed refiners of community tastes and improvers of community values should thank advertisers for revealing the enormity of their task."
'"John K. Williams, "And Now, a Pitch for Advertising"
"By saying that Dulles Airport is 'underÂutilized,' the FAA [Federal Aviation Administration] means that thoughtless travelers are not using it as much as the FAA had hoped."
'"Paul Feldman, "Free the D.C. 2!"
"For Superman to turn bad as a result of some rays from Krypton is not only out of character, it tarnishes the image of Superman as a Good Guy, whose do-good exploits are the main reason that children (often chronologically adults) go to the theater to see him."
'"John Hospers, "Superman III"
'"September 1983