

Gary Greenberg, 55, is a practicing therapist and the author of The Book of Woe: The DSM and the Unmaking of Psychiatry (Blue Rider), from which "Overselling Psychiatry" (page 34) is adapted. The Connecticut writer became interested in the topic because "when you work as a therapist" it's "hard not to notice that at the foundation of a relationship whose sole purpose is to be honest is this enormous, if useful, lie: that we know what mental illness is, and that we know what mental illnesses exist."

On page 58, Adam Thierer reviews Evgeny Morozov's tech-skeptic manifesto, To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological Solutionism (PublicAffairs). Thierer, 44, is a senior research fellow in the Technology Policy Program at George Mason University's Mercatus Center. Thierer is somewhat less skeptical of digital living than Morozov: In addition to embracing services like Dropbox and Evernote, which have "completely changed the way I work," he admits he's recently "become a Twitter-holic, which may be a good thing since it shifted my attention away from the absurd amount of online gaming I had long been engaged in."

In a Q&A on page 42, Shereen El Feki discusses her new book, Sex and the Citadel: Intimate Life in a Changing Arab World (Pantheon). While writing the book, El Feki, who currently lives in both London and Cairo, conducted deeply personal interviews with Arabs about their sexual attitudes and expectations. "Talking to people about sex in the Arab region is the most fun you can have while laughing your head off," she says. "It was amazing, amusing, and sometimes arduous, but never awkward."