Obama Tags Middle Class With Tax Hikes, Congress Wants Answers About Tsarnaevs, Colorado Cops Not Keen on Pot: P.M. Links
(Russian Government)
Russian Government People poking through President Obama's proposed budget noticed that it very definitely breaks his promise to not hike taxes on those making less than $250,000 per year.
- Members of Congress want to know if federal agencies may have once again failed to connect the dots when it comes to interpreting their information about Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
- The feds are looking at a new suspect in the case of the ricin-tainted letters. They say his name is … Richard something …? Richard Jewell?
- The world's biggest economies are … well … in lousy shape. Hold on tight.
- Russia getting a bit intolerant with critics of the Putin regime? You don't say.
- Israel will soon be doing e-mail searches on foreign travelers visiting the country. You know those jokes you shared with your buddies? Yeah …
- Still smarting over voters' decision to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in the state, Colorado cops threatened to call in the feds unless the legislature imposed tight restrictions. Meanwhile, the IRS is leaning on companies that process payments, pushing the marijuana industry toward cash-only business.
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