Without Discouraged Workers Unemployment Would Be 11.1 Percent, IRS and ATF Want To Snoop on You, Marijuana Attracts Big Bucks: P.M. Links
(U.S. Government)
IRS Just in case you were wondering … If labor participation had held steady at the 2008 level, unemployment would now be 11.1 percent.
- President Obama's second-term agenda is seen as being in some danger, seeing as how the House of Representatives has no likelihood of passing much, if any, of it and even his own party seems to be a little shy of affection for the man in the Oval office.
- Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher will receive a ceremonial funeral including military honors.
- A French intelligence agency threatened a Wikipedia volunteer with jail unless he deleted an article with which he had no connection, but which the spooks found inconvenient. Not surprisingly, that article has been restored and is now really popular.
- The IRS has taken to poking through social media to sniff out folks who might not be complying with every jot and detail of the nation's extensive tax code.
- Not content with letting the IRS hog all the creepy, the ATF is building a big database to track people's social connections.
- If the feds want to keep their marijuana prohibition in place, they'd better move fast! The growing industry is drawing investors who see opportunity…
- … unlike France, where the push for high taxes is sending anybody with a few euros to rub together running for shelter.
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