A.M. Links: Paul Ryan Opens Wallets, GM Teeters (Again), Engineering Ethical Kids


  • Paul Ryan not only bumped up support for the GOP ticket, he's been a lucrative choice. The Romney camp has taken in $10 million online since the VP pick was announced.

  • General Motors continues to do what it does best: Stinking up the place. The company is once again on the verge of bankruptcy, with losses far larger than the company's total value.
  • Erkki Tuomioja, Finland's Foreign Minister, says that Finland already has a plan in place for when the eurozone inevitably goes to its doom. Ummm … *cough*
  • The UK vows to not let Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, leave the country. And Ecuador isn't budging. I hope Julian has a comfy room in the embassy.
  • We should try to breed ethically superior children through genetic engineering, says Professor Julian Savulescu. Why persuade you of the right thoughts when we can program them in.
  • Oh, those hooligans! That's right, in a shocking twist, the three Pussy Riot members were found guilty of ticking off the powers that be. And the authorities got a two-fer, since they detained an opposition leader trying to attend the trial.
  • The male contraceptive pill may finally be on the way. Guys will have to find a new excuse for not using protection.

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