A.M. Links: Bloomberg Says NYPD Inspector General Would Be "Illegal", Undercover Narcotics Officers Shoot Woman in Brooklyn, Newest U.S. Drone Fits in a Backpack


  • Mayor Michael Bloomberg insists an inspector general is illegal because the city council can't "force" one on him, and claims the NYPD is "one of the most regulated departments in the entire city." No word on any sugar bans though. Meanwhile plainclothes narcotics officers shot and killed a woman driving a stolen car in Brooklyn yesterday afternoon.

  • New York Governor Andrew Cuomo blasted the push to make teachers' evaluations public: "Some people say disclose everything because (teachers are) public employees… To those people I say, really? Disclose all the evaluations for public employees? …Then how come you're only singling out teachers? Where's the policemen's evaluation? Where's the firemen's evaluation? Where's the evaluation of the mayor's staff, and the governor's staff and the speaker's staff?" Seems like a great idea!
  • The U.S. military's newest drone is the "Switchblade," a jam packed device weighing six pounds that soldiers can carry in the battlefield. It's nicknamed the "kamikaze drone" because it's often used to ram into targets.
  • An off-duty deputy sheriff in Broward County was arrested after trying to solicit an undercover cop posing as a prostitute. He was apparently arrested on the street he patrols. 
  • Land seized from marijuana growers in Tennessee was officially re-opened as a state park.
  • Vladimir Putin may come to bury Lenin. The odds suggest the dead Communist may finally be put six feet under in 2013. He has been on display in a mausoleum in the Kremlin since his death in 1924.

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