Eric Boehm on Pro-Union PACs' Final Push in Wisconsin


Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker faces his recall election tomorrow, and's Eric Boehm writes that unions from all over the country are finding their inner Yon Yonsons. Although the leading anti-walker PAC calls itself "We Are Wisconsin," Boehm breaks down the in-kind contributions to discover that the Ohio Education Association made a $58,000 in-kind contribution May 30, followed a day later by a $21,000 contribution from the Pennsylvania State Education Association. New York State United Teachers gave $23,000 on June 1, the Massachusetts Education Association gave $17,000 on May 31, and a group of unions based in Washington, D.C., poured in $922,000 during the past week, according to the reports. Money even came from as far away as Alaska, with the National Education Association's local union there chipping in $4,000.