Tax Revolt Italian-Style, Ron Paul Urges Supporters To Play Nice, Marijuana Wins in Oregon AG Race: P.M. Links


  • Offices of Equitalia, Italy's version of the IRS, have been hit with attacks including firebombings. The government is considering deploying the army, which should certainly calm the opposition.

  • His eye on the Republican National Convention, Ron Paul urges his supporters to rein-in their contempt for the GOP establishment. Manners, kids.
  • With Greece floundering politically and economicallly, pundits have coined the amazingly awkward term "Grexit" to describe the country's anticipated departure from the eurozone. The Portuguese insist, no way, no how, will they be next.
  • In the disciplinary hearing of Regina Tasca, a New Jersey police officer suspended for intervening in the beating two colleagues were giving an emotionally disturbed man, one of the cops she pulled away described her actions as "assault." Despite her ordeal, Tasca doesn't regret her good deed.
  • The ACLU warned the State Department that firing Peter Van Buren, an employee suspended for criticizing reconstruction efforts in Iraq, would violate constitutional free-speech guarantees.
  • SpaceX's unmanned Dragon capsule received final approval to dock with the International Space Station after its scheduled Saturday launch.
  • Former Oregon Court of Appeals judge Ellen Rosenblum, a supporter of medical marijuana, won the Democratic primary race for attorney general of Oregon, in a race in which marijuana policy featured prominently.

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