Afghan War Grinds On, Ron Paul Stays Relevant, Oakland Cops Overreacted: P.M. Links


  • We're not losing the war in Afghanistan — but it's not likely to end anytime soon. That's according to the Pentagon's latest report to Congress after more than ten years of fighting.

  • Don't count him out! Not only did Ron Paul face off with Paul Krugman, economista a economista, but he quietly cleaned up delegates in Louisiana's caucuses.
  • In New York City, Occupiers run up against low turnout and hecklers during May Day protests. (HT GILMORE)
  • Five men, some of them self-described "anarchists," were arrested after allegedly conspiring to blow up a bridge near Cleveland. The explosives at the core of the plot were apparently under the control of an undercover FBI agent.
  • Police fired at and hit Scott Olsen in the course of a military-style response to Occupy protesters, concludes an official report looking into the Oakland Police Department's conduct. The federal court monitor that issued the report finds that the department is getting worse.
  • As the Senate campaign in Massachusetts erupts over charges that Elizabeth Warren fibbed by claiming to be Native American, a genealogist finds evidence that she has some Cherokee ancestry. Well … a little.
  • To whatever extent European governments have been trying to live within their means, many of their constituents don't like it, and took to the streets on May Day.
  • Dinosaurs may have been dying out slowly even before the big asteroid strike.

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