Give to Reason, Because We're The Only Folks Out There Exposing Anti-Semitic OWS Nut Jobs Who Work(ed) For Major Public School Districts!
Thanks to everyone who contributed to Day One of Reason's Webathon 2011! We're part of the way toward our goal of 500 contributions by next week! We know this isn't the flushest (most flush?) economy, and we're showing our appreciation by offering up all sorts of cool swag depending on the giving level.
For $10 or more, you get memorialized in a banner that's running across the top of this page! For $100, you get Reason t-shirt, a year's subscription to the print mag (can be gifted to someone you love - or want to re-educate)! For $1,000 bucks you get a ton of swag, a writeup at, and Torchbearer status! For $2,500, you get a leather jacket signed by Matt Welch and yours truly and tons more! Go here for a full rundown of swag levels that include everything from bumper stickers to signed copies of The Declaration of Independents to asking Matt Welch and me any question you want to recognition in the print mag.
Please give what you can. And if you're light on cash, you can help us by filling out our online survey (participants are automatically entered in a drawing for a $100 gift card). One of our main goals for 2012 is to overhaul our web platforms to increase our reach and appeal - and to make your user experience better than ever.
As a nonprofit operation,, Reason magazine, and depend on support from readers and viewers like you to help us keep bringing you cutting-edge, award-winning libertarian news, commentary, and analysis that you just can't find anywhere else.
Consider, for instance, our unique coverage of the Occupy movement. We've been out in the streets in New York, D.C., Los Angeles, and elsewhere, talking to protesters and police and delivering videos that are as powerful and memorable as they are one-of-a-kind.
Here's just a few examples from our growing body of work (go here for our ever-growing playlist of over 20 vids):
That's Patricia McAllister, who was representin' loud and clear at Occupy LA back in October: "I think that the Zionist Jews, who are running these big banks and our Federal Reserve, which is not run by the federal government… they need to be run out of this country."
She used to work for the Los Angeles Unified School District but thanks to Reason's coverage of Occupy LA, she's no longer peddling her particular brand of anti-semitism on the taxpayer dime anymore.
We've been busy on the East Coast, too, where captured a member of New York's Finest decking an Occupy Wall Street protester for no apparent reason other than wearing green on a day other than St. Patrick's (go to 1.40 minute mark):
And of course, Reason produced one of the most-amazing documents to date of the Occupy movement: The great Peter Schiff engaging protesters in New York's Zuccotti Park and explaining how capitalism is the engine by which the 99 Percent have a shot at joining the 1 Percent in terms of living standards:
If this sort of stuff strikes a chord in your heart and your head, then please do donate to Reason now. And if you can't spare money, then do give us your opinion in our web survey. (Doing both is always an option too!)
When you look at the folks running Washington, D.C. and statehouses and city halls across the country, you know our challenge is immense. But you can also rest assured that the staff of Reason has got your back - and your front, too. We're out there every day, pushing "Free Minds and Free Markets" all over the place.