Help Us Get The Word Out About Failed International Adoption Policies!
Next Thursday, we'll be releasing a 25-minute documentary about the failure of international adoption policies and the role that UNICEF and unthinking nationalism play in trapping children in orphanages around the globe. producers Paul Feine and Alex Manning traveled to Guatemala to report on conditions in a country which only recently completed more out-of-country adoptions than any place on the world.
However, in a misguided attempt to placate UNICEF and out of "national pride," Guatemala nationalized its orphanages and has effectively disallowed foreigners from adopting unwanted children. Sadly, Guatemala is hardly alone - countries such as China, Russia, Romania, Ethiopia, and elsewhere have similarly shut down or severely limited out-of-country adoptions.
We're hoping to reach as many people, policymakers, and organizations who care about the fate of dispossessed children. If you know of groups, websites, and people who should know about our documentary when we release it, please send your tips to
Thanks for your assistance.