Reason Morning Links: Energy Department Restructured Solyndra's Loan, Prosecutors Say They Can Make Jared Loughner Sane, No One Gets Off the Terror Watch List


  • From the WSJ: "Solyndra's cash-flow problems in late 2010 had previously come to light but it was not known that the company technically defaulted on its loan and violated its agreement with the U.S. government."
  • Terror watch lists are forever, according to a trove of FOIA'd FBI documents: "Even a not-guilty verdict may not always be enough to get someone off the list, if agents maintain they still have 'reasonable suspicion' that the person might have ties to terrorism."
  • By a slight majority, Pennsylvania voters want to preserve the state's winner-take-all Electoral College system. 
  • DoD officials try to walk back a statement by Admiral Mike Mullen, in which he accused the Pakistani government of sponsoring violence against the U.S. 
  • Jared Loughner will be held for an additional eight months before his trial starts. A court psychologist says she can make him sane during that time
  • How to find the weirdest stuff on the Internet. 

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