
Upcoming Declaration Events in Chicago


Matt Welch and I will be appearing at two venues in Chicago on Tuesday, August 16, one at lunch and another in the evening.

We're in town to discuss our new book, The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What's Wrong With America, which has been named the summer read of 2011 by George Will (compared to Ludwig von Mises' Human Action anyway), "a rollicking tale" (Barron's), "a remarkably uplifting book" (Three Sources), and "a cheerful dismissal of tribalism and monopolistic thinking, in life and in politics" (Forbes).

First up is a lunch event at the University Club of Chicago at noon CT:

Tuesday, August 16th - 12:00 pm

The University Club of Chicago

Join co-authors and editors of Reason TV and Reason magazine, Nick Gillespie and Matt Welchfor a luncheon on their new book, The Declaration of Independents.  It is a compelling and extremely entertaining manifesto on behalf of a system better suited to the future - one structured by the libertarian principles of free minds and free markets.

The price for club member is $15 (plus tax and grauity) by August 15 and $18 after August 15. The price is $25 for non members via the Book Stall in Winnetka, Illinois.

Please call 847-446-8880 to make a reservation to this event.

Then there's a happy hour sponsored by the Heartland Institute:

Tuesday, August 16: 5.30pm to 7.30 pm

Pizza and Drinks with Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch

Jak's Tap

901 W. Jackson

Chicago, Illinois

The price for the event is $25. Registration does not include a copy of the book, which will be available for $26 at the event.

To register for the Heartland Institute Happy Hour, go here.

We'll be signing books at both events and hope to see all interested residents of the city that Reason rated as "the most meddlesome metropolis" in America at one or both events!