
Watch Re-broadcasts of Stossel's Declaration of Independents-Themed Show Tonight and Sunday Night on FBN and Fox News!


On Thursday, June 23, Fox Business Network's terrific Stossel program was dedicated to themes explored in the Nick Gillespie/Matt Welch book The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What's Wrong with America. Featuring interviews with the authors, plus Kurt Loder, Grant McCracken, Kennedy, and Andrew Breitbart, this hour-long program covered politics–and anti-politics–in a way rarely seen on cable television. Better yet: It's being re-run five times this weekend. The schedule:

* Saturday, June 25: 9 PM and 12 midnight, Fox Business Network (FBN)
* Sunday, June 26: 9 PM on both FBN and Fox News, 12 midnight again on Fox News

Turn on, tune in, and dowatchalike!