Tim Cavanaugh Talks Prison Guards with KJM's Chris Daniel 1:20pm Pacific


Reason Senior Editor will discuss the California prison guards union with Fresno talk radio's Chris Daniel Show. 

Topic: The California Correctional Peace Officers Association has become the state's, and possibly the country's, most powerful public sector union. As CCPOA lobbies on issues as ranging from parole and three-strikes laws to term limits and redistricting, politicians all over the state have become wary of taking the prison guards on. At the same time the CCPOA says it is changing its approach and has repaired relations with Gov. Jerry Brown. How strong are the guards? How will the Supreme Court's recent overcrowding decision change the politics of Golden State imprisonment? Can you check out any time you want? Can you ever leave? 

Time: Today, 1:20pm Pacific time, 4:20pm Eastern

Place: Fresnoites (Fresnonians? Fresnans? Fresnokers?) can tune their transistor radios to News/Talk 580 KIM or Talk Radio 105.9 KIM-FM. 

Others can listen live on the international cybertubes at www.kmjnow.com