Hey New York! Come See Matt Welch Debate Whether We Can "Find Middle Ground" in America With Peter Beinart and No Labels' John Avlon This Tuesday at 6:30 pm!
On Tuesday, June 14, starting at 6:30 p.m., I will be participating in a New America Foundation debate/discussion at the CORE: Club on 66 East 55th Street. Here's the invite language:
Can We Find Middle Ground in Left vs. Right America?
As the election season approaches, we take a look at the current political climate. How might bipartisanship find opportunities to blossom? And where do the extremes of both Democrats and Republicans fit?
John Avlon Founding member of No Labels, CNN contributor Senior Political Columnist, The Daily Beast
Matt Welch Editor-in-Chief, Reason magazine Co-author, The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What's Wrong With America
Peter Beinart Bernard L. Schwartz Senior Fellow, New America Foundation Senior Political Writer, The Daily Beast Associate Professor of Journalism and Political Science, The City University of New York
moderated by Emma Gilbey Keller Author, The Comeback: Seven Stories of Women Who Went from Career to Family and Back Again and Lady: The Life and Times of Winnie Mandela
RSVP to Victoria Collins at (202) 986-2700 or via email at collinsv@newamerica.net. Alcohol will be served.