
All Your Atlas Shrugged, Part I Coverage Right Here!


So Atlas Shrugged Part I debuted on April 15 and had a damn good opening weekend for a truly indie flick. With a reported $10 million budget and about 300 screens, it pulled in about $1.7 million over the weekend, according to Box Office Mojo. On a per-screen basis, it hauled $5,640, putting it third behind Rio and Scream 4 (each of which appeared on over 3,000 screens) for movies that appeared on more than two or three screens.

The reviews haven't been kind: Over at Rotten Tomatoes, the critics count finds just 8 percent of reviewers grokking Atlas Shrugged, compared to 85 percent of audience responses. Which probably mirrors the critical/audience reception splits of Rand's novel.

For those interested in ongong Reason coverage of the film and its reception, hoof over to this page, which aggregates all the stuff we've been doing about Atlas Shrugged Part I.

D'oh! update: Included link to page!