Reason Writers Around Town: Ronald Bailey Discusses World Bank Environmentalism at Heritage Foundation Panel Tomorrow


DC Reasonoids, Science Correspondent Ronald Bailey is participating in a panel discussion tomorrow (January 27) at the Heritage Foundation on development policy which asks: Is the World Bank Sacrificing Economic Growth and Higher Living Standards on the Altar of Radical Environmentalism? 

The panel will be moderated by Heritage Foundation Research Fellow James Roberts. The other panelists are Nick Schulz, Editor-in-Chief,, and Author of From Poverty to Prosperity Intangible Assets, Hidden Liabilities and the Lasting Triumph over Scarcity, and Richard Tren, Director, Africa Fighting Malaria, and Co-Author of The Excellent Powder: DDT's Political and Scientific History

The discussion begins at 2 pm in the Heritage Foundation's Lehrman Audiorium. Go here to sign up.