Judge, on Republicans: "They don't care about the economy..the country..or 'the people'
The following response to my L.A. Times op-ed from this morning grabbed my eye because of the name–Judge Kelvin D. Filer–and the domain name of his e-mail address (LASuperiorCourt.org). A quick Google search confirms that, yep, Filer's a sitting Superior Court judge, and a bit of a character to boot. Anyway, this is what and how an active judge in Southern California thinks about John McCain and Republicans writ large:
You know why McCain is taking his current stance against repealing "don't ask,don't tell"…it's the SAME reason that the Republicans consistently vote against ANYTHING that the President proposes…they don't want this President to succeed!!! It's as simple as that. They don't care about the economy..the country..or "the people"..all they care about is POWER and they want it back!!! Ergo..they blame President Obama for EVERYTHING and give him credit for NOTHING !!! This has never happened to a president before…….we know the real reason why….which is too bad !!!!!1
Kelvin D. Filer
There you have it.