Reasoners on The Tube (x 2): Nick Gillespie on Parker Spitzer and Red Eye Tonight!
Reason's Nick Gillespie will appear on CNN's new yakfest Parker Spitzer and Fox News' old chestnut Red Eye With Greg Gutfeld tonight.
Parker Spitzer airs at 8PM Eastern Time and Red Eye airs at 3AM (or anytime you close your eyes and chant Redrum).
Gillespie's bid to to do a cable TV Triple Crown fell short when his planned boxing match with MSNBC's Ed Schultz and a kangaroo fell through due to the occult influence of an unpredendented infusion of billionaires' money into the formerly pristine American political landscape.
As a consolation prize, watch Gillespie chat with Al Sharpton, Charles Rangel, Jesse Jackson, Dick Gregory - and Ed Schultz, who really has to think about whether the Tea Party crazies are racists or not: