
Reason Saves Cleveland With Drew Carey: The Outtake Reel


During the week of March 15 through March 19, debuted the six-part, hour-long documentary series Reason Saves Cleveland With Drew Carey: How to Fix The Mistake on the Lake And Other Once-Great American Cities. Each episode analyzes and suggests a solution (or solutions) for pressing urban problems ranging from education to depopulation to right-sizing government to creating a better climate for business.

Watch it as a single video or in individual episodes here.

And here, presented for your entertainment, are outtakes from the series. Approximately 2.45 minutes. Scroll down for iPod, HD, and audio versions.

Reason Saves Cleveland With Drew Carey was written and produced by Paul Feine, shot and edited by Roger Richards and Alex Manning, and narrated by Nick Gillespie.

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