
Reason Praised, Ignored, by List-Makers!


Speaking of journalism awards, Conor Friedersdorf's recent list of 2009's best journalism (which included a Reason piece) has inspired resident OC Weekly Mexican and faith-challenged Angels fan Gustavo Arellano to compile his "10 Greatest Journalism Stories EVER," in which we see some more props for Radley Balko:

* "The Top 10 Most Absurd Time Covers of The Past 40 Years." Radley Balko and Jeff Winkler,, 2009: Genius use of new media to eviscerate old media and make clear something most people probably didn't realize but, once shown, agreed with wholeheartedly. 

Alas, there was no such love for nous in this New York University list of the best journalisms of the recently departed decade, though it's hard to compete against the likes of Thomas L. Friedman, Ezra Klein, and Katie Couric.

Read Contributing Editor Greg Beato's classic 1999 piece about NYU's top-100 20th century list here, then see Reason's more recent mini-interview with Arellano here.