Nanny State

Pourable Fat in NYC, Now on Video!


New York City really, really doesn't want you to drink soda, you fat slob. The folks at the Big Apple heath department know the stakes are high—the next coke might be your last!—so they are willing to take risks. They don't mind risking your computer keyboard, that nice new tie, or the sweater grandma knitted for you.

After failing to push through a tax on soda, Gov. David Paterson decided to switch to a hearts-and-minds campaign to win New Yorkers back from demon cola. Offering nauseating photos of pourable fat to morning commuters on the subway—developing those ads cost $277,000 and took three years—was just the first step. Now there's equally grotesque video (it's SWF but not safe for lunchtime):

The campaign continues. I'm sure the two comments on DrinkingFat's YouTube channel page from mostly inactive users are totally spontaneous and definitely not seeded by the people who made the video:

OMG,? so gross…sooooo gross!! But now I'll think twice about drinking soda.

This makes me cringe… Who? knew soda could do all that?

So those hundreds of thousands in taxpayer dollars were definitely well spent.

A link on the YouTube page redirects to a city government site with a survey designed to gauge whether or not the ad is working. Why not hop over and let 'em know your race, household income, soda drinking habits, and what you think about the video!

Lots more on soda taxes here.