
Look What the Internets Are Doing to the News!


Google Trends shows the readership of online news and blog site The Huffington Post doubling to meet up with the halving online readership of the old-style Washington Post

Notice that the moment the various sources synced up was the 2008 election. One possible interpretation: When the country suddenly developed a voracious appetite for news, they gave all three sources an equal chance. But it was HuffPo, not WaPo, that gave people what they were looking for—super-speedy coverage of the political story-of-the-second, followed by a bikini babe chaser.

You'd need age breakdowns and a few other things to know if that explanation of the trends is right, but President Obama might want to take a gander at this chart before he repeats his recent mention that he might not be 100 percent opposed to a newspaper bailout.