NYC Health Dept.'s E-Condoms Just in Time for Valentine's Day


The same folks who threw transfats ouf the Big Apple and are now trying to ban salt—all for New Yorkers' own good of course—unveiled their Facebook page featuring e-condoms.

As the New York Times explains:

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, which introduced the city's official condom on Valentine's Day two years ago, has introduced a Facebook page and Facebook application to promote the use of condoms. …

As of Wednesday afternoon, nearly 1,500 e-condoms, as the Facebook messages are called, had been circulated through the site. The application includes a ranking that displays who has sent the most e-condoms, though several on the list — Jessica Scaperotti, Sheryl Tirol-Goodwin, Geoffrey Cowley, Sara Markt and Celina De Leon — were employees of the health department's communications office.

Happy Valentine's Day from the NYC Health Department.

Whole Times article here