
Drew Carey and BoingBoing Visit the Consumer Electronics Show in Search of Robots and More…

| and Price Is Right host Drew Carey visits Las Vegas' Consumer Electronics Show with the gang from BoingBoing:

Television host and gadget-o-phile Drew Carey visited with the Boing Boing crew in Las Vegas to roam the blinking, beeping halls of CES 2009. He was there with his lovely fiancé, and her three year old son, Connor. Today's episode documents Connor's search for talking robots and "tiny cars I can ride in." Along the way, Drew stops at the Intel booth to check out a $47,000 VR racing system that puts you in the driver's seat on famous racetracks around the world—the system includes topographically accurate maps, down to the pebble, of famous tracks.

More, including downloadable MP4 version, here.

Drew Carey took on the machine menace for