Cue Xenophobic Backlash to Free Obsession DVD…
You'd think that after five years of war, most Americans would be sick and tired of scapegoating random Muslims. But just to prove the rest of us are talking out our asses about Europe and its Muslim-Anglo culture clashes, some idiots in Ohio had to instigate similar havoc:
Baboucarr Njie was preparing for his prayer session Friday night, Sept. 26, when he heard children in the Islamic Society of Greater Dayton coughing. Soon, Njie himself was overcome with fits of coughing and, like the rest of those in the building, headed for the doors.
"I would stay outside for a minute, then go back in, there were a lot of kids," Njie said. "My throat is still itchy, I need to get some milk."
Njie was one of several affected when a suspected chemical irritant was sprayed into the mosque at 26 Josie St., bringing Dayton police, fire and hazardous material personnel to the building at 9:48 p.m.
Someone "sprayed an irritant into the mosque," Dayton fire District Chief Vince Wiley said, noting that fire investigators believe it was a hand-held spray can.
According to fire dispatch communications, a child reported seeing two men with a white can spraying something into a window. That child was brought to the supervising firefighter at the scene.
Wiley would not discuss that report, but said the investigation has been turned over to police. Police were not commenting.
The 300 or so inside were celebrating the last 10 days of Ramadan with dinner and a prayer session, but the prayer session was interrupted so those suffering from tearing, coughing and shortness of breath could receive treatment.
I wonder, from a mediator's standpoint, which is the easier psychotic meme to disspell: xenophobia or fundamentalism? Also, I received a copy of this DVD with a magazine subscription--has any commenter watched it yet?